Free Stories

Thai ladyboy Jenifer
Another wonderful story posted by our reader Jason... I have experience with Thai ladyboys and Phillipino lady boys. The one Thai ladyboy that left the most impression on me is Jenifer. She is a bit big on size for a ladyboy, but her gentle demeanour sure make all for her size. The first time ... Read full Story
First cock in skirt
Another little hot story from our forum. A guy who goes by nick Stephen54 writes about his very first experience with a hot CD, getting and giving his first blowjob and having anal sex for the first time. Hello. Was wondering what peoples first time experience was? Mine was back in the 70's, d... Read full Story
My first taste of shemale cum
This horny story was posted at our forum by a guy named Capablanca who seems to have finally admitted he prefers playing with shemale cocks over playing chess. ;) I have already described my first encounter with a shemale - an amazing experience. One thing I've been looking for since that first e... Read full Story
It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening
Another work of art of a shemale lover. Props for this wonderful romantic story go to our forum member Ila. It's a cold, windy, and snowy evening. My lady and I are in the bathtub together. The water is still very warm and the scent of bubble bath still lingers in the air. I have just bathed her ... Read full Story
Jane from Guess Bar
Again an awesome reader submitted story. One of our lucky readers says he had a great fuck with Ladyboy Jane. Was in BKK in Oct 07 looking for love in all the wrong places. In particular one sexy cum kitten called Jane from Guess bar, Sukhumvit soi 1. When i arrived i found a complex of beer bars... Read full Story
Well endowed ladyboy Yoko
Here's the second part of the story posted by our reader Tommy, and i'll tell you what, it's even hotter than the first one! I went back to Casanova some months later, hoping to see that well endowed ladyboy. She was dancing on stage - we made eye contact, she hopped down straightaway and we kiss... Read full Story
First time with a ladyboy
Another little first timer's story and 5 minutes of glory for our reader Greg. I remember my fist time like it was yesterday. We met at a bar the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. A the end of the night she asked me for a ride home so natrally I gave Her one. She looked so hot in her tigh... Read full Story
My first time with a shemale escort
This story that was posted at the forum today by our new member got me hard as hell. He writes about his first experience with a tgirl and i can't be more positive that most of us would like to experience this too. Enjoy reading... I recently had my first experience with a shemale. Here's how it ... Read full Story
3 tgirl story
Kristin made sure everything was ready. Her parents were out of town, and said she could have 2 friends over. She decided on her best friends Taylor and Siera. She also planned on showing them that she was, in fact, a shemale. The 2 arrived around 630 to 7. Her cock grew hard when she looked at them... Read full Story
A slave for three beautiful shemales
Here's another great story that was submitted by one of our readers. Enjoy reading. I used to be a bouncer at a night club and one day after my shift a very foxy black busty babe approached me just outside the club. She was wearing hot pink track pants and itty bitty tube top that was some how ho... Read full Story
Worked for a shemale
I have a story much like the french maid one. I used to clean houses for a living, it wasn't good pay but it was work and i worked for a lady that goes by the name of amber dena. So anyway one day i was cleaning going over everything twice and when i got the bed room i found her naked jerking off I ... Read full Story
Got more than he bargained for
This story was written for Trans Ladyboy by Brandi, a hot dominatrix and a phone sex operator. She says guys often call her to share their tranny fantasies with her, one of which would be getting dominated by a tranny, and, you know, she's really good at that! Call her for this phone fantasy (1.99 a... Read full Story
She showed them the pictures
Some years ago, While my wife and I were separated, I was out of state and she called to ask if she could use the computer at my place. When I returned home she asked about the pictures she found of me all dressed up like a whore with some guys cock in my mouth and of me setting on a dildo and takin... Read full Story
My two encounters with shemales
I love it when our readers submit their stories. This one was posted by Harry a couple hours ago and i think it deserves its own post. Let us call the story "My two encounters with shemales". Enjoy reading! Last winter while on vacation I also had sex with the most beautiful shemale, wo... Read full Story
Car sex with a shemale at the local drive in
I know for sure many guys are fascinated about fucking a shemale in a car. Well, this is what the story is about. The guy rammed shemale ass at the drive in. Happy reading! I pulled in with my radio up and saw the most beautiful girl walking right in front of my car. Her legs were long and brown ... Read full Story
Lesbian adventure with a shemale
My name's Kimmi and I used to be a stripper. Guys liked me because of my long blond hair, slender build, and sense of humor. They also liked my 36C breasts :) I danced at a place on Sunset Blvd in Hollywood. The stage was gorgeous, had a generous runway, and beautiful lights. I loved dancing there, ... Read full Story
Amanda at Transcend in Sydney
I just love the tgirls in Australia, at least the ones I know, they are all unique in their own way and very very sexy... Amanda at Transcend is one of my favourites...this is a story about a visit with Amanda last year... I had not seen her in a while but as I was in Sydney for work I decided to pa... Read full Story
The Making of Erica - Sperm Loving Crossdresser
Confessions of a Crossdresser I am a crossdresser. It is an addiction. I’ve tried, but I really can’t stop myself: fantasies, endless looking at pornography, shopping, dressing, masturbation, and inevitably, seeking men to please. I have only sucked cocks, but over a hundred at my las... Read full Story
Winter Heat
I saw him in the breezeway, the open hall between the apartment buildings. My not-so-new neighbor. Been keeping an eye on him for a couple of months. He has a girlfriend, but nothing committed, and we flirt casually. He’s cute – six-three, so he’s tall, but it’s not string-be... Read full Story
The Best of Both Worlds
“Promise not to fall in love while you’re away?” Lana asked as she wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve told you several times already,” I snapped at her. I had begun to get more than frustrated with her. “This is just a business trip and nothing more, besid... Read full Story
First time sex with a ladyboy
Ok guys, this is a milestone in my life. I had sex with a ladyboy!!! It was completely amazing, something i have fantasized about for years but never thought i would do! I met her on the internet a while ago and have been chatting to her since. We got on pretty well and she invited me for dinner!... Read full Story
Big Booty Black Boy Gets cheated on
I have been secretly bi throughout my life. But nobody has known. I have had several girlfriends and all. One physical trait that I developed at the age of 18 was a big booty. It grew so much that I couldn't hide it much. One time I went to the gym with tight clothes and my curves were obvious. A lo... Read full Story
TV loving cock
Sorry I didn't keep you posted on Saturday night, but I was sorta busy being my usual slutty self. Story to follow: I talked to a guy on megaphone. He works as a night security guard at a big office building on the edge of town. He is there all by himself in this huge, mostly vacant building, in ... Read full Story
My Shemale Tubes Fantasy During Rush Hour
My Shemale Tubes Fantasy During Rush Hour. As the week started, I didn't want to go to work. I had such an eventful weekend that I could not fathom the thought going back to the office. Unfortunately, early morning traffic was staring me right in the face. As I sat there waiting for the car in fr... Read full Story
She Male Webcam Encounter Made My Night
This story was one for the record books. I was out on the town having a wonderful time. It seemed like every club I went to, there was some hot guy interested in me. I loved feeling the sensation of their cocks growing against my ass. I faced a major problem because I did not tell them that I am ... Read full Story
Shemale Chat Rooms Are Full Of People Like Me
I won’t lie to you and tell you the oldest story in the book how I was visiting shemale chat rooms just to make fun of those girls. I wanted to meet somebody who can show me how it feels like to have a dick up my ass and I somehow thought that doing it with a shemale is going to make it less g... Read full Story
How I became a gurl
So how did you become a gurl? That's the question almost everyone I meet or chat with asks me... how did you become such a sexy transvestite, when did you figure it out, when did you learn you liked cock. I actually love the question, because it turns me on to answer it. When I was 15 or 16... Read full Story
My Very Own Crossdresser Story
I took her sweet ass from behind, making her cock hard again. Though we already had many crossdresser stories behind us, this night was special because she finally fulfilled my wish: she wore red night gown, looking more like a woman than any woman I’ve met. I almost tore it from her, wishing ... Read full Story
How I became a GURL part II
So I'm in college now, I've learned to love and use porn in all its forms, I've learned to be a great cock sucker and to have my ass fucked. I've learned to tie myself up -- as best as possible -- to pee all over myself to get that humiliating feeling. I'd spread the porn mags all over the floor and... Read full Story
Shemale Masturbation Tube Just For Me
I was just coming back from the gym - damn, lights on the parking lot were flickering again - when I heard this noise. I ran and saw a shady looking guy pointing a knife at a woman trying to unlock her car. "Hey", I yelled, "I'm calling the cops and a dozen big dudes are going to be h... Read full Story
Sally Gets Caught
It is the fantasy of every cross dresser to pass as a girl but the only time it happened to me was when my partner caught me dressed in her best. For a minute or two she didn't recognise me but as the realisation of what she was witnessing dawned then things became very difficult. Understandably the... Read full Story
Shemale XXX Video Is Nothing To Laugh About
First of all, the stuff you see at shemale XXX video can happen to you! Really! I was also watching those porn sites with shemales out of the curiosity and for fun with friends before we went to Thailand on vacation. Same story – just like with shemale XXX video we were watching the night b... Read full Story
I started towards the local theater in my Chevy Corsica to see the midnight showing of some sort of vampire movie. I guess it was a love story where this one girl falls in love with a vampire and vice versa. Oh well... supposedly the books were popular, so might as well see what all of the hype is a... Read full Story
I Added A New Story To My Porn She Male Stories
I was having a coffee with one of my friends and I was telling her about my porn she male stories from my past. In the middle of my talking she stopped me and asked why am I always talking about ancient history. She told me that I was repeating myself and that I need to freshen up things. I realized... Read full Story
She Male Photo Gallery Brought My High School Fantasy To Life
A friend of mine from high school came to visit me after many years when I moved into my new apartment in Los Angeles. We were good friends back then and kept in touch, but we went apart due to our careers. He was even one off the first and few people I came out to in high school, so our relationshi... Read full Story
Shemale Porn Photo On The Wall Of Her Room
She was a truly hot shemale that I’ve been seeing for a couple of months now, from time to time. She had some really big tits and a dick that didn’t really get in our way much. It really wasn’t all about the sex. I loved talking and even cuddling with that girl. We talked about ... Read full Story
How I Got Lucky Through She Male Personals Sites
For as long as I can remember, I have loved shemales. Trying to explain to people exactly what it is about shemales that I love is actually a lot more difficult than it should be, because it's almost as if I'm trying to make other people understand rather than just telling them what it is that I lik... Read full Story
The lover of Lisa
It wasn’t that hard making the change from friend to lover, and from lover to student of sensuality. Lisa made clear that I was to follow her directions, not that our relationship was predicated on that, but that she was going to lead me to a new place in my life. She had been a friend for mo... Read full Story
Her Whore
I was down at the local watering hole enjoying my favorite brew, when she came into the place. The few heads that were there all turned at the same time and locked on to her. She was amazing, short black mini dress, long legs in black, and 4″ heels. She looked around and headed to the bar. ... Read full Story
Foot Massage by a Shemale
My wife and I had just finished a nice Sushi dinner in an upscale restaurant outside of LA, with an old college friend of hers. We strolled down the boardwalk and were almost past an asian style massage spa, when my wife said why don’t we take advantage of their 45 minute foot massage for $... Read full Story
Butt Sluts
My name is Jimmy James. When I started high school, my parents shipped me out to boarding school to teach me discipline. They were mad because I had always been a disappointment to them. I wasn’t terribly manly and I liked to dress in girls clothes. The more often they caught me dressed like a... Read full Story
Far Eastern Adventure
He was transferred to the Far East with no real choice in the matter. His boss never took no for an answer and rarely gave him the opportunity to try. She had been acting strangely for the last few weeks, eyeing him oddly as if trying to unravel some hidden mystery within him. This strange perusa... Read full Story
Paying Off My Bet
I have been wanting to get with this guy I know for a long time, he is a very good friend and we do lots of stuff together, but nothing intimate. He is one of the few people here that know my story, he is the only person I know here who hasn't judged me over my sexuality. He is even protective of me... Read full Story
I was bad
All I could think about that day was disobeying my Master. I was bad and was going to get punished. He had gone away for a couple of weeks on business. I think it was to get a new girl to join our family. But I’m not sure. There’s twelve girls counting me so I guess all of us will hav... Read full Story
Me and a transvestite man
This isn't a 'story' at all, in the sense that it really happened. I just thought I'd share my experience with you; perhaps you'd care to comment if you enjoyed it, found it sexy, or want to know more. There isn't a 'transvestite' niche on xHamster, so this is filed rather awkwardly under 'Shemal... Read full Story
Sex In Stilettos
Standing before the full-length bedroom mirror, I treated my reflection to an almost unjustly critical appraisal. My indecently short black leather dress clung for dear life to my every curve and went perfectly with my high heels, whorish fishnets and black leather jacket. It was the sixth outfit I ... Read full Story
Me and a transvestite man part 3
This is the last part of my true story. I had expected it only to need two parts, but it seems that I'm quite a wordy writer, so it now spans 3 parts. Where did I leave off last time? Oh yes; Toni, the gorgeous Brazilian TV was leaning forwards, dressed in her black lingerie, her firm arse toward... Read full Story
The Training of Julie
The story of the successul aiteration of a good looking youn man into a stunning, talented, ultra feminine boy/girl John was about to learn obedience in the strietbatt sense of the word. his whole life style was about to be changed, The rather alightly built, pretty boy of 17 was to become Julie,... Read full Story
Get caught dressed as a female
How it all started: It is the fantasy of every cross dresser to pass as a girl but the only time it happened to me was when my partner caught me dressed in her best. For a minute or two she didn't recognise me but as the realisation of what she was witnessing dawned then things became very diffic... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 6
Buffy arrived in the demon dimension on her elbows and knees, just as she'd been when her mentor, Rupert Giles, had been butt fucking her a moment before the spell they'd cast transported her from his apartment to this bizarre land of the damned. Her legs were still spread wide apart, and ass was st... Read full Story
Shemale Bitch Part 1
Hi there, First let me introduce myself. My name is Garry, I am 20 year old white guy with brown hair, and stand 5ft 10. I am British, but I had been living in the US for several months now, and this is a story about myself and a young shemale called Nikki. I first met Nikki when I was at ... Read full Story
Shemale Bitch
Hi there, First let me introduce myself. My name is Garry, I am 20 year old white guy with brown hair, and stand 5ft 10. I am British, but I have been living in the US for several years now, and this is a story about myself and a young shemale called Nikki. I first met Nikki when I was... Read full Story
Shemale First Time
First time Sex with a shemale. Intro. I have read several stories of first time sex with Transexuals and none relate to my experience. So for those who are truly curious about how to go about it and what it is like this is my tale. I have always been a straight guy as far as I know. Married... Read full Story
Biker's Secret
It was a hot day last Summer, when I decided to set off for the day, on my Kawasaki 500. I like to wear lingerie under my biker gear, so I slipped on a black bra, matching suspender belt, black silk stockins, and my favourite black lacy French knickers. I put on a nice powder-blue camisole top, ... Read full Story
Electric Shock
I'm glad you enjoyed my story. I have been dressing for many years, and it's only lately that I thought I'd share some of my experiences with other cd's I am NOT convincing; all the stories in Nifty seem to be by gorgeous she-males who cannot be distinguished from the real thing. Much as I woul... Read full Story
My wife (Airlia) and I are open minded when it comes to sex. We are pretty much into everything, but at the moment we found ourselves going to a mistress for a bit of fun. We have been to our mistress four or five times so far and we both enjoy watching the other getting abused, especially Airlia wh... Read full Story