Free Stories

My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
The Hottest Of The Teen Transgender Stories
She was a cheerleader in college and I was…well. Me. I lived one of those transgender stories where I was still stuck in the middle of my transition and I wasn’t a girl anymore, but I wasn’t the guy she needed. She had every single guy in the campus she wanted and I had..well. ... Read full Story
Who Could Choose Between Shemales And Females?
I knew that this guy was one of those eccentric rich people who don’t really know what to do with themselves, and I was not really expecting an invitation to the party at his villa on the beach. But why not. I don’t refuse free drinks and other stuff that can make you happier about your ... Read full Story
Choosing From Shemale Pics Gallery
"You into shemales?", asked the man in Amsterdam's Red Light district, "We have everything in De Wallen, just ask", he continued to promote his girls, "Maybe the gentleman would like to watch some shemale pics gallery before making a decision?" And I thought - why not. ... Read full Story
Worry Free Shemales Dating Can happen To You Too
"There is no such a thing as an attractive tranny" was one of my lifetime mantras. Growing up in Bay Area, it was easy for me to spot and recognize all of those masculine bodies dressed in female clothes. Their huge feet in high heels looked as a combination form hell. Free shemales dating... Read full Story
A night with Jilly
My stomach tensed as I heard that knock on my door. A week of excitement, email and photo exchanges had finally come to this moment. I slightly opened my hotel door as a man carried a bag quickly into the bathroom and closed the door. I nervously waited with my hard cock soaked in pre cum over and o... Read full Story
Big On Tranny Dating
I walked into a bar where we scheduled our date earlier - I know that type - he wants to try tranny dating but when it comes to real thing, he'll probably chicken out and ditch me. I ordered a large martini and looked myself in the mirror: tall, strong legs, curly blond hair. You couldn't see my ... Read full Story
A Great night in by myself
I love dressing up in women's cloths they feel so smooth and sexy against my skin. A backless pinstripe lycra dress shows off my shoulders and back stretched tight over my peachy round buttocks. A little pair of white lace boxers underneath just visible as the skirt rides my thighs when I admire mys... Read full Story
Sexy Young Shemale
When I was twelve my next door neighbors Sam and Ted trained me in the art of cocksucking and creamy yummy delicious cum eating for hours everyday during my summer vacation and I fucking loved it! I was small framed and wore my long blonde hair in a pony tail and always wore my smallest shorts so I ... Read full Story
Dick girl lust
I was born in 1982, I was born a girl, but I had something wrong with me when I was in my mother's womb so the doctor's said when I reached the age of twelve I would have to have an operation. I had the operation with machines to me. But somehow during that time, while in theatre, something out of t... Read full Story
Nothing Will Turn You On More Than These Free Shemale Web Cams
If I had any idea before I started spending watching free shemale web cams online that I was going to see some of the incredibly hot stuff that I have seen, then I might have made some preparations to write a book about them all! Knowing my luck, someone has already got there first anyway, but I mig... Read full Story
Free Shemale Cams - Source Of Hidden Gems
So, at my bachelor’s party my friends set me up with a hooker. We had been partying in a hotel room, and after quite a few drinks they left the room and closed the door behind them. They had told me they would be right back. Instead of them, a really hot chick opened the door. She let herse... Read full Story
Chat With Shemale In Sweet Disbelief
I was getting ready for another boring online conference meeting. The same dreadful subject was on the table, for the tenth time in a row - Claus from Switzerland, cute Leela from India and me were appointed to organize an international symposium on food safety standards. At that point, I wasn't awa... Read full Story
Caught wearing my mother's stockings
For as long as I can remember I've been obsessed with my mother's legs. My very first wank was brought on by the sight of her curvaceous stockinged legs in high heels. She also liked to wear knee high black leather boots which would send me into a frenzy. I once saw walked past her room while she wa... Read full Story
Thank Heaven for Little Girly Boys
Thank heaven for shemales (and cross dressers). Without them, erotica might still be sugary and nice, but it would certainly lack the variety that spices up one's sex life. After all, there's only one heterosexual plot (boy meets girl), just as there are but two homosexual plots (boy meets boy an... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 1
Waking to sunlight streaming through her bedroom window, between the parted curtains, Buffy Summers frowned, blinking. She'd had some strange dreams, including a few that had been prophetic, but nothing like the bizarre nightmare she'd awakened from just now. Last night, she'd fought a Feral Demon a... Read full Story
Abused as a tranny at a sex party with my mum
I decided to go to the party and be the tranny slut they were looking for. After all, it's nice to be wanted and I really would do anything to keep those photos of me dressed in my mum's stockings, private from my friends. I've never had anything up my ass before, in fact I've never even had sex ... Read full Story
A Fulfilling Life Part 1
Sophia Sappho, a beautiful society woman of 37 years, is having a few girlfriends over for cocktails one evening. Unbeknownst to her friends the hostess has a male washroom attendant available in the powder room. The first guest retires to the powder room a little urgently. Frantically she lifts ... Read full Story
A Fulfilling Life Part 2
Instantly recognizable to the attendant were the curves and air of his beautiful employer, Sophia Sappho. “Yes Miss Sophia” he addressed, “can I be of service?” “Two of my guests have informed me that there is some raging, psychotic transvestite holed up in my Powder... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 11
Darkness had fallen upon the demon world. In the intermittent flashes of lightning that resulted from Willow's weather spell, the landscape was illuminated, and the horrible phallus-plants were revealed, writhing and thrashing. The cock-stalks within Buffy's mouth, cunt, and ass, and the hollow tubu... Read full Story
My first threesome
My lover and I just finished sucking each off and were laying next to each just talking and he ask if I had any fantasy's and I said I like dressing in lingerie. He went to his closet and came out with a black bra and panty set along with a full black slip. He asked if I would put these on and I was... Read full Story
Nicks Shemale Experience
Nick had discovered he had a thing for shemales 4 months ago after stumbling across some pictures on the Internet of a really hot ladyboy from a porn link site. This sort of thing had never turned nick on before but looking at pictures of the small-breasted brunette really made his dick hard. It did... Read full Story
Shemale Bitch Part 1
Hi there, First let me introduce myself. My name is Garry, I am 20 year old white guy with brown hair, and stand 5ft 10. I am British, but I had been living in the US for several months now, and this is a story about myself and a young shemale called Nikki. I first met Nikki when I was at ... Read full Story
My first time with a shemale
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking l... Read full Story
Mood Hair
Today, I want to talk, as it were, about hair and how it enhances facial expressions and, therefore, personality. Too often, writers of erotic fiction overlook this means of helping to characterize their shemale (and female) characters. However, when hair, whether blonde, brown, black, red, or some ... Read full Story
Shemale Bitch
Hi there, First let me introduce myself. My name is Garry, I am 20 year old white guy with brown hair, and stand 5ft 10. I am British, but I have been living in the US for several years now, and this is a story about myself and a young shemale called Nikki. I first met Nikki when I was... Read full Story
Service Station
I had pulled off the M6 for a much-needed brew and a pit-stop. It was just gone 3am and I was on my way home to Preston from a meeting in London. I slid into a parking space, grabbed my overnight bag, and went into the Travelodge, booked in for one night, got a key, and went up to my room. I d... Read full Story
Caught Out In Lingerie
I had only just started my new job in a big new department store. I had forwarded my CV almost as soon as the foundations were poured, and I watched as the big new building took shape. It was to be the biggest and most modern store in the county where I lived, and I was determined that I was go... Read full Story
Living in a Shemale Neighborhood Chapter 1
I have just moved into a house here in Joliet,Ill. and just put up a bed and was now putting my pots and pans dishes away when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and there was this sexy lady with a casserole dish. She stood about 5'9" a head taller than me and you ... Read full Story
Hawaiian Morning TG Shemale
My clock radio said it was 6:35 in the morning. That means that my annoying alarm would start going off in fifteen minutes or so. But I didn't need an alarm clock to tell me about how my morning was going to be; I felt the playful movements of my beautiful Hawaiian lover behind me. She is a pet... Read full Story
Charisma & Tiffany Part 5
The sorceress set aside the bamboo cane. She released her captive from her chains, and Tiffany fell to her knees, a dead weight, before sprawling upon the cold, stone floor. The shemale sobbed repeatedly, her face as awash in sweat and tears as her buttocks were awash in blood. Her breath came and w... Read full Story
The Sexiest Shemales Part 1
When I wake up in the morning, I wake up next to the sexiest shemale in the world...right after me, of course. I woke up this morning next to Holly, my beautiful shemale girlfriend. She was still sleeping in our big bed. The sun was shining in on our bed with our white sheets and white comforter. ... Read full Story
An Appreciation Part 2
Similarities may be overlooked, but differences demand explanation. In a patriarchal society, wherein men rule, it is men who must explain women, not women who must explain men, and, since men regard themselves as normative, women are considered to be aberrational. In the Western world, until about ... Read full Story
An Appreciation Part 3
Cynthia A. Freeland's discussion of the androgynous nature of Victor von Frankenstein's monster (in The Naked and the Undead: Evil and the Appeal of Horror), sheds light on my topic, shemales. Building upon the opposition of supposedly "masculine" and feminine traits listed below, Freel... Read full Story
Modified Covers
As a hobby, some artists enjoy modifying vintage magazine covers so that their original topics are transformed into transgender themes and shemale models replace the female faces and figures that originally graced the periodicals' covers. In the process, the titles of the magazines are sometimes cha... Read full Story
Girl With A Dick Part 1
Randy walked around the party, she didn't yet know what she was looking for, but she would as soon as she saw it. As usual when she went to parties, she was dressed as a man. Her fairly ample breasts were flattened with a special corset, and she already had her strap-on on and ready. Wearing loose j... Read full Story
Girl With A Dick Part 2
Randy was making her usual rounds at a party, her rubber cock banging insistently against her thigh. There were plenty of girls hitting on her, thinking the pretty boy was very attractive, but for some reason none of them were calling her tonight. Maybe she was in the mood to be a girl tonight? N... Read full Story
Girl With A Dick Part 4
Randy moved quickly through the costume party, her black cape swishing behind her. The black cloth mask over her face helped to hide her identity even more... she was dressed as Zorro, and she looked damn good. Girls had been hitting on her all night, rubbing against her... but so far she hadn't fou... Read full Story
A Different Kind Of Lust
This woman he is with is not really a woman, but he still feels the urge to give her the best sex ever. She is pretty, long blond flowing hair, long sexy legs that she can wrap her legs around him. Her hands are soft and gentle, like a woman's hands should be. Her body is slender and petite. Her ass... Read full Story
Man or Mandy?
I had just ridden into town on my Harley to enjoy the local motorcycle rally. I checked in at the hotel, tossed my gear into my room, then jumped back on my bike and headed into town. I rode around a long lazy curve and saw a car on the opposite side with its hood up, and a beautiful round ass, b... Read full Story
The Boy and the Fairy
Local folktales warned of Fairies, but such stories were long ignored or thought of as just a source of amusement. It was after all the twenty first century, mythological creatures were almost entirely forgotten in Dagsdown. But that didn't make them any less real. Since the age of five, Gregory ... Read full Story
Tits: A Hands-Off Topic
In multicultural America, there is no place for black tits. Brown, tan, bronze, yellow, olive, red, and white boobs are forbidden, too, on the same grounds, which is that breasts of color--any color that is actually effected by various degrees of melanin in the skin--are fast becoming off limits to ... Read full Story
Showroom Part 3
While driving from the park back to the car dealership we expressed relief that the park maintenance folks hadn't arrived a few minutes earlier. What a sight they would have had seeing a beautiful woman massaging her breasts while the guy in the car with her sucked her cock. Laughing, I said, "... Read full Story
Amy Finally Lives Out Her Fantasies Part 2
"Wow! What got into you?" "I don't know, I just decided to finally loosen up and go with my desires," she explained. "Did you enjoy it?" "Are you nuts? I LOVED every second of it!" I exclaimed. Figuring the alcohol played a very large role in her sudd... Read full Story
Amy Finally Lives Out Her Fantasies Part 3
Amazing the things one finds when on their significant other's computer. Benjamin -- or should I call you "Kyle"? -- you really should be more careful with hidden files, cookies and predictable passwords. You, along with anyone who reads this story (including you Dave), are reading t... Read full Story
Transgender fantasy
It’s a beautiful clear day, blue skies and a light breeze, low 80s. I figured I’d go for a hike in the woods in a tank top and shorts, arms and legs nicely muscled, About an hour in my body is glistening from a light sweat. I come to a stream and pause. A cool drink from my water bottle ... Read full Story
Real event, OMG shemale and another surprise
This is a true event, a lil back history, for about 3 yrs ive become fascinated by shemales, no porn will do without a shemale cock, i dont see myself as gay but i do wonder that if i like penis there must be some gay in me, but i do not like men at all. Now regular porn just does not do it for me a... Read full Story
Tranvestite In Trouble Part 2
How could i have been so stupid? Here i was, trapped by a guy twice my size and weight, dressed as a sexy secretary, just as he'd asked me, kneeling on this filthy floor, with his solid 8" cock buried deep in my mouth, gagging me. Andrew was clearly loving acting out his scenario, with hi... Read full Story
Red Line Curls
I hadn't noticed her walk up, I was leaning against a low wall waiting for the Red Line back toward the Metro Center when I looked up and there she was. Immediately drawn by her short, curly blonde hair I wondered how she just suddenly appeared just a few steps in front of me. I hadn't really been p... Read full Story
Transgender Art
Artists whose work includes transgender, transvestite, or transsexual themes are rare. In other articles, discuss the work of Christopher Leach ("Christopher Leach") and Kimberly Wilder ("Kimberly Wilder: An Assessment"), whose respective styles, if not subject matter, are vastly... Read full Story
Shemale Autofellatio Adventure
Hi, my name is Jessica. I'm a 19 year old Caucasian girl with a 6" surprise between my legs. Most of my friends don't know about me but I've got a few who do and one likes to fuck just as much as I do. I was bored one day browsing porn on my computer when I came across a video of a guy sucki... Read full Story
Kimberly Wilder: An Assessment
Pull up a chair. Oh. That's right. If you're reading this article, you're most likely at your computer monitor, which means that you've already pulled up a chair. Okay, good. In this article, I'm going to review the splendid art of a magnificent (and very beautiful, too, by the way) transgende... Read full Story
Kimberly Wilder: An Assessment Part 2
In my survey of well over 250 of Kimberly Wilder's wild femdom drawings, in which wayward young shemales, rather than females, are the subjects of the dominant women (and, sometimes, transwomen) who appear in her fabulous art, I find that the sexual acts, which are usually performed on the part of t... Read full Story
Freshman Surprise
Hey guys, you wouldn't believe what happened to me last weeks I went from being a virgin 19 year old to having the hottest girl on campus as my lover! I won't tell you her or my name of course, this is the internet It started out last week, the start of my first semester at a community college... Read full Story
Shemale customer in a strip club
I am an exotic dancer, one night a couple came into the club, he was late 40's or so, handsome in shape and rich looking, she was very sexy,mid 20's, tall with a low cut top showing off her great boobs, I am bi and love dancing for women, it is not uncommon for a guy to bring in his woman and buy h... Read full Story
Bitch Maker Part 1
Alex was a rather short fellow, timid, and obedient, Sammie's type exactly. Sammie lay on her back with Alex's face between her thighs, his mouth working on her balls, her legs on his shoulders. She moaned and arched her back, reaching down to wrap her fingers in Alex's hair and grind his face into ... Read full Story