Free Stories

Been a ladyboy slave
I have been a slave to a ladyboy in thailand. I challenged her to wrestling match to see who is dominant and she won and sat on top of me nearly naked with her cock hanging over my face, and proceded to taunt me, and made me suck her cock and submit to her. Then she strapped a leash on me and tol... Read full Story
His First Tranny
He quietly said "Is it true you have a dick?" I looked directly at him and told him he should put his hands under my skirt and find out.I got hard right away. I love the way my dick feels rubbing against my panties. He put his palm over my panties and starts stroking my dick. His eye... Read full Story
Her First Encounter
Chrissie took him back to her apartment. He sat on her couch and sipped at his drink while easing slowly toward her on the couch. He put his arm around her shoulder; Chrissie felt so excited and felt her cock hardening. He started kissing her and pulled her close.Chrissie sucked on his tongue.One... Read full Story
Who Could Choose Between Shemales And Females?
I knew that this guy was one of those eccentric rich people who don’t really know what to do with themselves, and I was not really expecting an invitation to the party at his villa on the beach. But why not. I don’t refuse free drinks and other stuff that can make you happier about your ... Read full Story
A night with Jilly
My stomach tensed as I heard that knock on my door. A week of excitement, email and photo exchanges had finally come to this moment. I slightly opened my hotel door as a man carried a bag quickly into the bathroom and closed the door. I nervously waited with my hard cock soaked in pre cum over and o... Read full Story
Free Shemale Cams - Source Of Hidden Gems
So, at my bachelor’s party my friends set me up with a hooker. We had been partying in a hotel room, and after quite a few drinks they left the room and closed the door behind them. They had told me they would be right back. Instead of them, a really hot chick opened the door. She let herse... Read full Story
My first threesome
My lover and I just finished sucking each off and were laying next to each just talking and he ask if I had any fantasy's and I said I like dressing in lingerie. He went to his closet and came out with a black bra and panty set along with a full black slip. He asked if I would put these on and I was... Read full Story
My first time with a shemale
Let me tell you a little bit about myself I'm five feet 10 inches tall around 220 pounds, brown hair and eyes very muscular, I'm an ex-professional boxer. Around 10 years ago I I was working as a bouncer erotic a nightclub in Fort Lauderdale, when one night I heard a commotion in the parking l... Read full Story
Charisma & Tiffany Part 5
The sorceress set aside the bamboo cane. She released her captive from her chains, and Tiffany fell to her knees, a dead weight, before sprawling upon the cold, stone floor. The shemale sobbed repeatedly, her face as awash in sweat and tears as her buttocks were awash in blood. Her breath came and w... Read full Story
Come to the party
It was Saturday and all the other bois had plans. I was alone in our rental home. I decided to dress up and go out. I put on panties, a bra and cami. All matching black. I put on eye liner, shadow and mascara, lightly. Lip liner and lipstick. I was going to wear jeans so I kept the makeup barely not... Read full Story
I am a Shemale's Slave
I live here to serve a shemale and I know the role. I am not a sissy dresser or anything like that and she is not rough on me but whenever she wants to fuck me or wants me to suck her cock I do it and if she wants to watch her shemale friends pleasure themselves on me I let them do it. I have... Read full Story
First time
I once met a sexy tranny when i was out walking and she enticed me along a forest path and into some bushes where she began to slowly undress me. I was wearing very soft satin and lacey lingerie underneath my normal clothes, she knelt down in front of me and slowly took my soft satin cock into her m... Read full Story
My first time with a shemale
My girlfriend had been out of town for a couple of weeks and i was so horny and wanted to get upto something kinky. I called a shemale site from la costa del sol called taiakshemales and arrange to meet one of the beauties. I was very nervous as i drove to her house as i never touched a dick befor... Read full Story
The never that you never know
My story began when I use to promote adult entertainers. It was no surpise to me that alot of them was gay ( that didn't bother me my sister-inlaw is a Tgirl). Anyway I began going to the after parties, while attending the different parties I met Mya she was so beautiful. We hit it off and became be... Read full Story
The clerk needed a ride
It was a Friday night, and was out with some friends heading to the bars when we stopped at a convenience store for some snacks, and condoms etc. This was my second year of college and these guys had turned into friends that I hung out with almost every weekend. This night I noticed this stunning cl... Read full Story
My Fantasy
This dint really a sex story, more of a plan I would love to find someone willing to play with me. I would like to find a women who has a plumbing problem call me and ask me to come over and look at her problem, she would meet me at the door, wearing a robe tied at the waist, as she shakes my hand I... Read full Story
Penis dreaming
Boys love blow jobs and I know that oral pleasure are often better than sex -if its done properly. I sincerely hope I’ll one day life my dream and get the chance to take on a huge black cock or a tiny pretty penis like mine. There are of course some constraints. Hairy, smelly or strange colore... Read full Story
Neigbor meets Paula for first time
TRUE STOREY HAPPEN TODAY....Well I moved back to Va. after 11 yrs and bought a home. the house next to mine was small and empty for a good while.Oneday I seen olderman over there well he bought it an fixed it up n moved in. After 9 months of us living next door to each other and talking I never a... Read full Story
Neigbor meets Paula for first time Part 3
As I kissed my way down his chest and pushed his boxers down he lifted his so they would slid off. I worked my way down to his hard cock which wasn't real thick but average but aleast 8.5 long.I licked the length of his shaft and around the head and took him between my lips took as much as i could i... Read full Story
Straight man enjoys chubby fem guy
So I met the straight guy online he said he was looking for full figured woman nice tits nice pussy. I messaged him and asked him have you ever been with a somewhat chubby fem guy he said know. I explained to him I had breates like a female and a bottom like a pussy just tighter. He would make love ... Read full Story
Good fucking
Thank God 3 months at sea not had rest or sex havin men around 24/7 can do things to a man,singapore been here few times wid times and some fucked up shit wow, left for land 3 days leave was gonna make the most of it. went in couple bars checking things out see what was happening, found out there... Read full Story
Transvestite, female style
Jojo Baker sat at her dressing table and using a dark eyebrow pencil, carefully outlined a mustache and goatee over her lip and on her chin!!! When she was satisfied with the result, she sprinkled a generous dab of hair creme into her hand, worked it into her scalp, and then combed her short hair in... Read full Story
Something I wasnt expecting
When we got to her place she suggested, as I had hoped, a nightcap. I agreed and said I cant be long and she said thats fine. When we got to her apartment she as I expected saidI am going to make myself comfortable, the bathroom is down thehall so I went and peed and washed my cock thinking maybe Im... Read full Story
Bar Close
She grabbed his hand and he let her lead him out to the parking lot.Before he knew it she had shoved him up against a van and was unbucklinghis pants. She was on her knees with his dick in her throat in a matter of seconds. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before. He looked downat he... Read full Story
Bring the roof down…
It was the week preceding the weekend of my wedding to Eva, even though I am usually calm and collected I tend to catch some degree of anxiety prior to major events in my life. I had had quite a long day what with wedding preparations in their final stages and even after downing some beers to urge o... Read full Story
Caught and liking it
Synopsis: after being caught by mum, then auntie, auntie takes over my exploration of my femininity. Aunt Teresa had a friend in psychology. She scheduled a meeting and this lady talked to me for several hours. In short, she informed auntie that I had gender confusion and seemed to relate more to... Read full Story
A Warrior's Tail
It was Limdour's first time in the aspect shrines and he was nervous. He was here to finally become the warrior he promised his father he would be on his death bed. He walked through the hall, It's huge walls swallowed the sound of his footsteps as he tried to decide which warrior aspect he would... Read full Story
Friday, March 11
I am wet. We are in a cab. The taste of Marlboro and whisky on his breath as we kiss, his hand runs under my t-shirt, fumbling for the release of my bindings. My hand is on his cock, over his tight jeans... he is hard, hot under my fumbling fingers. I rub him through the coarse fabric, as his ... Read full Story
Submissive sissy Jennifers first cock
There is a shy knock on your door. You open it, wondering who it can be. A stranger hands you the end of a dog chain, you can see that it leads to a red strap round his neck. "I'm Jennifer, Sir" he whispers, softly & huskily. It becomes clear now - you remember the conversation on the... Read full Story
My first and only
I contacted her on a chat line, we arranged to meet she was working as a nurse in london and was from the Philipines. I met her at her flat rang the bell she opened the door wearing a red dressing gown, I could see the cuves of her body and her beautiful cleavage was showing. She had long black hair... Read full Story
Summer sun
Evening sunshine is lovely. For a start I can wear less, no coat, no warm clothes, in fact a skimpy skirt and strappy top that covers not much more than the tops of my hold ups and my bra. I like to walk in countryside and feel the warm breeze gently ruffle my clothes and visit those areas where you... Read full Story
Post op girls are fun fun fun!
Post-Op Transexuals Are A Lot Of Fun Too Here is another story about an experience with a post op t-girl named Krysta. I have had quite a few experiences with her, here are some of the best. The first time I visited her, Krysta gave me a prostate massage, something I had never really tried before... Read full Story
A wild adventure
I was driving down the Pacific Coast Highway one day in my pickup. It was sunny, and beautiful, a perfect California day. Only problem was the traffic. You could barely move. Still, you could hear the waves and the gulls and I was feeling good. I had noticed the blond in the convertable ... Read full Story
Crossdressing Fun
Hello everyone, I am a 21 yo white male who loves to crossdress. One day I decided to wear my mothers clothes. She wear some young sexy clothing. So I started off by getting a shower and shaving my whole body. When I was done I went into my moms room. I went straight to her panty and bra drawer. I g... Read full Story
I was going upstairs from the shower in a towel and passed my mothers room on the way into mine,my mom said "can you help me with my hair-dryer". Thinking nothing of it I went into her room to see her seductively standing there, staring at me. I just stood there and said "your haird... Read full Story
My ex Black Ts Girlfriend
God how I miss her she was my brown skinned small waist big booty nubian mami, We met online and Ill never forget the feeling I had driving over to met up for the first time. .. She was on her front porch waiting for me, smoking a cigarette. I pulled up to see her in some super small shorts tat her ... Read full Story
Mein erstes Mal
Ich bin 22 / 185 / 75kg und möchte im vorne rein sagen, dass die Geschichte der Wahrheit entspricht. Viel Spaß und achtet bitte nicht so auf die Rechtschreibung. Ich war schon immer neugierig wie es ist von einem Mann/Transe gefickt zu werden. Bis zu meinem 19ten Lebensjahr hatte ich nur Sex mit ... Read full Story
My first I got horny for a guy
This happened when i was 13 and just starting secondary school, our class went to play football in the school hall and after playing for a while we finished and went to the changing rooms. Everyone was getting undressed and putting on clothes and going out the door,some were talking and laughing. Th... Read full Story
My 1st transgender experience
Many years ago I was living near the San Francisco area. I had purchased the most recent Hustler magazine and one of the layouts had Shannon. She was so beautiful, and oh my what a cock. I had only ever been with women and did not consider myself gay, but for some reason I wanted to suck that cock. ... Read full Story
First time experience...
This happened on one of my trips to give you alittle background about myself... I'm a straight guy, but for years I had fantasized about being with a trans,,,but was always too nervous or scared to carry it out. Anyway...after a nice long walk on the beach and a shower at my hotel...I... Read full Story
First time
Dreaming about cock . Form licking the balls all up the shaft enjoying the cock in my mouth slapping it against my face as I swallow it . Rubbing my hands up and down and slowly cupping the balls working my way to your whole slowly slipping a finger in . Then two as I’m working my Tongue down licki... Read full Story
Suckin' Clit-Stick and Lickin' Her Tits and then you find out. .
25 years ago. . . Yah so, I saw this Gorgeous Girl standing by the bar in this nightclub in an unnamed city I shall say here. . . and I'm thinkin' to myself ' .....geeeez, what a fucking Gorgeous Chick! ' I made my way over to her and did my best to make some small talk, bought her a rum and coke.... Read full Story
Continua mi mundo Tv
Como les decía a mis 20 años ya era otro mundo, ya compraba mi propia ropa intima femenina mas que todo ropita muy chica, pues siempre he sido muy delgad@, a esta edad aun era virgen pero con hombres ya que aproximadamente a los 17 le robe un consolador a una tía, "les admito que ha sido uno de ... Read full Story
Mi primera vez con un anciano
Hola chicos!!! Soy Daniela; tengo 21 años; soy transexual y; muy adicta al sexo. Me fascina, me encanta ser follada, ya que soy cien por ciento pasiva. Soy de mediana estatura, flaca, tetas medianas, mi pene es muy pequeño, soy de piel blanca, ojos marrones claros y pelo lacio largo color castaño. T... Read full Story
Hola!! Soy Lucía, tengo 22 años, soy una chica transexual muy femenina, totalmente pasiva, operada; y realicé todo un trabajo de transformación tan sacrificado y un período de transición de chico a chica tan difícil, que ahora, al ver los resultados exitosos que esperaba, estoy muy feliz. Me siento ... Read full Story
Picked up while on the street and then fucked
I was staying at a women's shelter and the plumbing went to sh**, the place flooded and I was out walking for hours, trying to get WiFi on my laptop in order to contact a friend through Facebook and get them to pick me up, I walked everywhere and in doing so, someone approached me on the street, ... Read full Story
How Sia Shemale Pune fucked me ...
I met Sia through ts-dating . Called her n went to meet her. When I saw her I could not believe that she is shemale n has got cock between her legs. My god so beautiful feminine. Her implants are very sexy n make her more beautiful... Then I paid her n we went to comfortable small bedroom. I d... Read full Story
Mi amigo Alex
Poco antes de empezar a ir a la escuela me mude con familia a uno de esos barrios con todos los edificios iguales, había una gran cantidad de chicos de mi edad así que no me importo en absoluto. Cada tarde después de volver de la escuela salía a jugar o lo que sea y con el tiempo por alguna razón,... Read full Story
мой первый секс
сейчас мне 22, в общем и целом я начала в 11 но ета история просто кафй: 1 раз было когда хотела, в 16, встретились с 1 мужиком, лет 30, побеседовали, затем он начал ко мне лезть, ну тогда я и подумала, что было бы не плохо дать ему, он обнял меня туго, начал лапать попу, а я же начала трогать ху... Read full Story
mein erstes mal
Nur ein paar Häuser weiter wohnte Bernhard, 56 Jahre alt, hatte einen kleinen Bauch, sonst aber sehr gepflegt. Seit 3 Jahren war er geschieden und lebte nun alleine. Schon seit einiger Zeit besuchte ich ihn regelmäßig, um in seinem Pool zu schwimmen, um ihm manchmal im Garten auszuhelfen oder einfac... Read full Story
Why I desire transsexual cock
I've thought about what it must feel like to have jus for a bit, a transsexual cock inside you. How ones nervousness is turned into extreme horniness upon seeing her cock for the first time. The thoughts that must race thru your head. How big is her she-cock?. Do I touch it? Do i lick the length of... Read full Story
El padre de mi amigo
Lo que me inicio como nena fue probar una tanga de mi hermana. Me gustaba salir de casa con la tanga y ver cómo nadie sabía que la tenía puesta. En esa época Solía visitar a mi amigo en su casa y a veces quedarme a dormir. Una noche luego de ver una película en el sofá con mi amigo nos dormimos ah... Read full Story
How could I forget my first time .......
"Ok, ok, ok stop. No more. It hurts a bit" I said. "Just relax your ass baby. Push out like you have to go poo", my date said. How did I end up like this? A straight A college student, a devout Christian with a nice gf like me ends up in bed with this sexy woman ...... Ok wait, I thought she wa... Read full Story
My first Gloryhole Experience
I recently found out online that the restrooms of an old bar in my neighborhood were being used as glory holes. I was able to easily find the other person via messenger, and at the appointed time, I entered one of the stalls and was waiting for him. After about 30 minutes, he walked into the s... Read full Story
Thai ladyboy Jenifer
Another wonderful story posted by our reader Jason... I have experience with Thai ladyboys and Phillipino lady boys. The one Thai ladyboy that left the most impression on me is Jenifer. She is a bit big on size for a ladyboy, but her gentle demeanour sure make all for her size. The first time ... Read full Story
Tranny Lisa's first sexual experience
My name is Lisa, I am a 25 year old well hung little lady. Looking at me you would never believe with my perfect girlie body what I have in store for you. The things that I can do and teach you would blow the mind of the most advanced sex addict. Run your hand down feeling my feminine curves, a litt... Read full Story