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Baby Face Jack's Biggest Fight

"Oh! Momma you are right, I have always wanted to dress him up and put makeup on him to see how he would look. He would never do it. I know everyone thinks he is a tough nasty fighter, but I know him as he really is. He is sweet, caring, very gentle and loving. I still want to marry him, he is my soul-mate and I will never love another man."

Jack's mom, Jill, looked at Sandy with tears running down her cheeks. "Honey, I have known and loved you all of your life. I know how important having children is to you. Think about this, Jack may no longer be a man. The loss of the male hormones will change him drastically. He will not be able to have intercourse as a man ever again."

Sandy went to Jill, they hugged each other and cried. Sandy said, "He has always been my very best friend. I don't want to live without him. It would be a meaningless life if I couldn't share everything with him and that is how it has always been and how it must always be."

The three specialists entered the waiting area and talked to Sandy and the families. They introduced themselves as a Multidisciplinary Team, an Endocrinologist, an Urologist and a Psychologist. The woman, a psychologist, presented their findings. They were fairly sure Jack would never get a natural erection again. He was going to have an Orchiectomy before there was an infection of his testis and threatened his life. The loss of his testicles would stop the production of the male hormones. A maintenance level of those hormones would be given him by injection every other week until the proper level could be maintained. The psychologist said Jack needed to heal up and recover before she could examine him and determine the best course from there. She told Sandy that she and both families would be kept informed at all times and that the final decisions would be made by Jack, if he was deemed capable of doing so. She said they would examine him again in the morning after his operation and determine if and when he could go home to recuperate.

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