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Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 09

The image of Marc in the shower filled my world, him, naked, hard and thrusting into his hand thinking of me. My ass begun to tighten, my own cock hardened and the rising flush of pure ecstasy screamed through my body. I cried out unintelligibly, spasm after spasm as my orgasm ripped apart every sense. My eyes opened to see ribbons of cum jetting from my cock without my hands anywhere near it and my shaking legs struggling to hold me up.
I reached down and scooped up the next much smaller ejaculation and brought it to my mouth, I had not only grown accustomed to the taste, but craved it as a delicacy capping my climax, cursing the lost loads as the flowed down the drain.

My body still impaled on my new favourite toy I had no energy to move, I moved away and jolts and aftershocks passed through me with each inch that slid out. Clumsily I re-positioned the shower head and tried to clean my weakened body. I felt exhausted yet energised, like I’d found a secret well of pleasure and had totally over done it.

As I cleaned up my body hummed, everything was overly sensitive, each movement triggered bursts of joy, finished up I switched the shower off and just stood there dripping. I sighed loudly relishing the sensations coursing through my body. Realising I still had the cameras rolling I took a breath and reached for my towel, wrapping it around me as I stepped out and shut off the equipment.

I took a moment to appreciate just how amazing that had felt, and blushed a little to myself at the images I had thought of just as I came. I couldn’t deny it felt a little strange but at the same time that had been yet another mind blowing orgasm and it was hard not to take the most from it. I thought I would feel a little sore but there was no discomfort, despite that my little metal plug once again took its place in my hole, the cooling weight adding some comfort.

I moisturised, toned and carried out all my well-practiced beauty regime, deciding one something more comfortable than sexy to wear, although it was still very silky and lacy which always felt sublime against my soft skin. Removing all the camera equipment and transferring all the files over to the computer I took a moment to rest while it loaded up.

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