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Double Take Chapter 2

Sandy found the strip mall where the salon was located, and parked in the lot. Ashley was just getting out of her car. She was dressed in an identical outfit, only her skirt and sweater were a different color than Sandy's, and her legs were bare. "What look are we going for - 'The Olson's Go to College?'" he asked.

Ashley stuck out her tongue at him. "I always wanted a twin sister and a sensitive boyfriend. Now you're both mine," she said as she took his hand and led him into the salon.

* * *

Their nails restored, Ashley and Sandy walked hand-in-hand down Sunset Boulevard, turning heads as they went. Not an easy thing to do in West Hollywood, where celebrities rub shoulders daily with specimens of every known lifestyle, and a few that have yet to be classified.

As they strolled along, it occurred to Sandy that unless he planted a kiss on her, it would be impossible for strangers to take them for anything other than a fun pair of loving twins. Their close resemblance was a natural antidote against their being mistaken for a couple of lesbians.

At the same time, it occurred to Ashley that the presence of her look-alike seemed to cloak her identity as the TV star Ashley Vaughn. People weren't coming up to her for autographs like they usually did. It was almost as if they could only see a pair of identical twins, who happened to look like somebody famous.

As he glanced at their reflection in the shop windows, Sandy wondered whether he would miss all this when his fantasy life with Ashley came to an end, as it surely would some day. He was hopelessly in love with a woman who shared his most secret desires. Magic like this only happened in the movies.

And as she watched him maneuvering in a short skirt like he was born to it, Ashley wondered how she had ever gotten along without Sandy Lane in her life. It was wonderful having a soulmate who understood the little things a woman had to put up with every day. Was this guy perfect, or what?

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