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Far Eastern Adventure

So, off he went into the night without really being aware
how much this single evening would change the course of his life.
He simply knew that he had been waiting all his life for an
evening like this and nothing was going to interfere with his
enjoying it fully. They walked down the hall and descended on
the elevator, giggling happily and making comments about those
two beautiful girls in the mirror on the back wall. When the
doors opened they walked out bold as brass and crossed the lobby
in front of the clerks who had checked him into the hotel several
hours earlier. They glanced at the two girls briefly and they
returned to the television which was blaring in the corner. As
they left the hotel, he gave a sigh of relief and felt the first
waves of excitement course down his spine. Here he was out in
public for the first time in the east and it seemed so natural
and easy.
He turned to ask his companion how they would get to Bugis
Street, and she laughed gaily and said that he was standing on it
now. The bar where her friends were waiting for her was just
down to the left about two hundred yards. When his jaw dropped
in disbelief, she smiled and showed him the street sign at the
corner which proclaimed that this was indeed Bugis Street. He had
simply not registered the address of the hotel which his boss had
recommended for him as just around the corner from the apartment
where he would be staying for at least the next month. What a
piece of luck he remarked to himself. Here I am at the heart of
the Asian transvestite scene and I have a month off from work to
enjoy myself.

He never stopped to wonder why it was that his
boss had selected this particular place for him to stay and why
she had been so accommodating as to find him such a convenient
apartment in the middle of this busy city. All that he could
think of at the moment was how lucky he was to have found a new
friend who enjoyed his company and was willing to show him about.

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