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How I became a cute femboy CD

He looked up, “Oh hey….what the hell Nate.” He said after a pause between oh hey.

I stood there fidgeting and knew it was too late to back out now so I decided to tell him what I was doing.

“I don’t know…I just thought…well you know when we play husband and wife that well…since I always seem to be the wife, why not look like one.”

He laughed and I got a little mad he was laughing at me.

He looked at me again and stopped laughing but was still grinning, “Sorry I am not laughing at you, I mean I am but not the way you think. I am not laughing at the way you look but at the idea you had. I mean first of all…fuck, Nate, you look great. I mean it. At first I thought your sister was home. You look fucking hot and just like a girl. No I was laughing cause it was a funny idea you had, but you know I like it. It would be cool, huh?”

I smiled at his compliment, “Thank you, and yes it is a cool idea and glad I had it.”

We both laughed and he moved to the center of the couch. “Well wife come sit down next to your husband.”

I smiled and did so and sat close to him and Kevin actually took my hand in his. I stared at our interlocked hands and thought how nice it was that his hands were larger than mine. Kevin was average size for our age, but I was smaller than boys our age or hell even boys a year or two younger. We didn’t say anything as Kevin stared at the black television screen and I just stared at our hands. We sat like that for about five minutes.

“Oh I got you a present.” Kevin’s words startled me after the long silence.

“Oh cool.” I said.

It was then I noticed a gift wrapped item on the coffee table in front of us. I picked it up and unwrapped it and it was a new Nerf gun.

“Sweet! I love it thanks.” I told him honestly.

I went to open the package of the gun and he took it out of my hands and let it drop to the floor.

“You can play with it later. So ummm I guess it’s just you and me then.”
I giggled…I actually giggled like a girl. “No, silly boy, I invited all our friends so they could see me like this.”

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