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Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 1

"Well." assailed by Magatrix's logical argument, John began to equivocate.

"Please, John!" with that new vagina of hers beginning to leak love-juices like a sieve, Mike eagerly implored. "Come on! You know she's right! You know if she can turn me into a girl, it stands to reason that she can make it so that neither one of us will feel guilty. or ashamed. or whatever. of doing something that we both really want to do!"

"Yeah." John teetered on the brink of indecision. "I guess maybe she can, at that."

"There is no 'maybes' about it, John," Magatrix chimed in. "Believe me, I can do what I just said I could do. I can make it possible for the two of you to make love tonight without all the emotional baggage that you fear you might accrue. Trust me, John! The only way you are going to regret anything about this evening is if you don't do as your friend asks. Mike desperately wants to find out what it's like to be a woman, and she needs your help to do so. So, come on, John! Be a buddy! Be a pal! Stuff all those silly ass apprehensions of yours, and for once in your life, do the manly thing! Screw your old pal here, and be done with it, okay? Besides, the crazy thing about all of this is, when push comes to shove, it's what you really what do, now isn't it?"

"Yes!" John grudgingly replied. "Yes, I guess I sort of want to, at that."

"So, what are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?" Magatrix whimsically chuckled, as a gold embossed envelope magically appeared in her right hand. "Well, here you go then! Oh, and I should make mention of the fact that contained within this envelope, you'll find a key to my hotel suite, which, I might add, just happens to be located just across the street from this club. My suite is on the topmost floor, which, if my recollection serves me, is the tenth floor. Use any one the lobby elevators and when the doors open, turn right and proceed down the hallway until you reach 1042.

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