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Marcia Goes Back to School

The flexible and talented Marcel was able to get his full lips over the head of Vance's pretty prick. He sucked and licked at the boys cock head while filling him up with his massive meat. Marcel's cock suddenly swelled and his gooey cum flooded the inside of Vance's colon. Vance exploded into light and his stiff cock swelled in Marcel's big mouth and fed the stud a load of cum. Marcel swallowed Vance's cum and announced "Your pussy juice is gonna be sweet as cherries once Miss Carol takes those big ol' balls off!"

Vance was transfixed with fear and lust. This was it. He was going to become a girl, just like Marcia. He neither had nor wanted a choice in this matter. He spent the rest of the evening making love with Marcel. The gentle jock walked Vance home around midnight knowing it would result in a chain of events that would end with Vance disowned by his family and on a path that would make him Marcel's girlfriend and one of DaShawn's whores.

At the same time Vance was becoming Marcel's lover, Marcia and DaShawn were with the Carsons. Carol had determined that Jack was to beg DaShawn to give the lawyer the honor of sucking the young athlete's massive cock. DaShawn had determined to make some demands of his own of the couple.

"Go ahead Jack," Carol sneered at her wimpy husband, "ask DaShawn what we talked about!"

Jack swallowed hard and did what he had to do in order to save his marriage. "Please Sir, may I suck your cock and swallow your cum?"

"You can suck me off, but I get to come over here any time I want to. I can fuck your wife any time I want, I can fuck that thick ass Mexican bitch too and obviously my ho over here." DaShawn held Marcia close for emphasis, "In fact, if I want, I can come to your work and fuck you and your little secretary too!"

"Yes Sir!" Jack had to agree to DaShawn's terms or lose Carol forever, "anything you want, Sir! Please just let me suck your big beautiful cock." Jack responded exactly as Carol had coached.

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