Free Stories

First time with both
I was young and I had a girlfriend who I confided a dark secret with, which I had never felt comfortable to tell anyone. She asked what I wanted to tell her and the suspense in the air as I told her was quite thick. "I've always felt like a woman trapped in my body." I casually said. &qu... Read full Story
My first shemale encounter
I remember the first time I found myself in bed with a shemale. I had just broken up with my girlfriend. I was lonely, I was horny, and I had zero intention of finding myself in another relationship with a woman. When I told my buddy, Bob, he told me he knew just where to take me to solve this. So ... Read full Story
First time
I was the only boy in my family. Tall, slender, and somewhat effeminate. Many said I looked like my mother, who I adored. As a youngster, I longed to dress like my sisters, who wore such pretty things. One day, when I was alone, I snuck into my sister's room and admired all of her pretty things. On ... Read full Story
Our First Time
I take my hand a gently begin caressing the ever increasing bulge in your pants while tenderly kissing your neck. I push you onto the bed and crawl up to you and begin to unzip your pants. I take my hand and grasp your rock hard shaft and begin to stroke you. I can feel you get harder in my hand. I ... Read full Story
My first time wearing sexy lingerie Part 2
I could not wait to get home from school the next day after wearing my moms sexy panties the night before. No one was home so i could have fun. As soon as i got into my room i took off all my clothes and went into my moms bed room to see what I could put on. With my mom working at Macy's in... Read full Story
My first time with three shemales
This is a true story it happened to me back in 1988 when i was still bi i was in a local gay bar it was shemale night close to midnight when i saw this very tall gurl walk in with some friends she was hot about 6' 2" tall with 6" heels" all legs and ass she was blond and so senual wit... Read full Story
First time fun
Been dressing for about ten years, started with few items now got full wardrober. Gone the extra mile by shaving all over and shedding some serious pounds to look good. Found a great site in US who sell made to measue mens CD TV Clothing so know I look good. Anyway, on a few websites and cam wanked ... Read full Story
My first time
It was in june, I was having a few beers with some friends and everything was going ok, then when it was 2 o'clock in the morning we went away from the pub, while i was getting in my car I had the rush of buying some sex toys... i was horny, so I went to a sex vending machine, bought some "geisha ba... Read full Story
First stretch.
There I was. Dressed up, well dressed down. Down to he’s wife underwear, my blonde wig and make up. My summer dress on the floor. Laying there. I see him taking of hes underwear. The cock bounces as up as it is hard as hell. Probably because of the fact that I am waring hes wifes underwear and were... Read full Story
First time with a Shemale
I have been curious about shemale's/tranny's for a while now. I finally met one in my small hometown I live in. She was ebony and had beautiful big fake breast and she was so Hot 🔥🔥🔥 and beautiful. We went to her place and she sucked my dick so fucking good and let me beat out her right ass twi... Read full Story
First time sex, wearing a dress
An older boy asked me to get naked with him and he laid on top of me and started rubbing his body against mine. I had my first orgasm with another person. We did this once or twice a week and every time I climaxed, he did not. He asked me to wear one of my sisters dresses and suck him. I really d... Read full Story
First time with a Shemale
First off this is a true story. I lost my virginity at a young (i think 13 or 14) age so sex is always been something usual for me. As far as how I lost my virginity... thats another story. I have always dated older women that were openminded, bi-sexual and down right sluts. I have been in strange c... Read full Story
My first time
A few years ago I was going out with a girl for quite some time,no sex just a sort of regular romance,I brought her home to meet my parents more than once but she never offered me the same type of visit to her parents eventually I asked her why and she cried after some time she explained her parents... Read full Story
First Time With a Shemale Part 2
"WOW" I thought to myself "I'm gonna fuck a hot Asian hooker for free!"...She took out my cock and started playing with it, "I love your cock babe,mmm I want it in my mouth" and she slowly started sucking on it. Now back in the days I wasn't much of an expert, but that ... Read full Story
My first TS
I know most of these stories are often full of cliches and often I debate how true they actually are. So now that I have experienced one for myself, I thought I would give this a shot. So, after spending the last few months planning and searching for ways to put my ultimate fantasy to the test: t... Read full Story
The First Step With Hope Part 1
It had taken all my courage to turn up and meet her; having connected by internet only, and seen pictures of each-other, I yearned to see her. Wanting to make her feel as comfortable as possible and confirm I was not some on-line creep, I agreed to meet her at a club she frequented, so she would be ... Read full Story
My first gay fuck
I've always crossdressed, from when I was 12 years old. I started by wearing my Mum's knickers and bra, tights, knee high boots and a dress or skirt and top. it felt fantastic wlaking around on high heels, in the back garden, knowing that all the neighbours had to do was look over the fence and see ... Read full Story
My first time with sheilacd
U know exactly how to please a man. u make it hard to say no...(as my cock grows again) even when u come in to kiss a straight guy he cant deny ur feminine essence that is so strong his body betrays him. he surrenders knowing he is in good hands..."soft white hands" he knows his manhood ... Read full Story
My first time wearing sexy panties Part 1
My mom and dad had just split up. So my mom and I moved from Buffalo NY to San Jose Calif.. We moved in with my uncle Jim when we got to San Jose. Uncle Jim was single but had his own house. It was a nice place and I had my own room. My uncle Jim worked at a bait and tackle shore and wen... Read full Story
First time
I wrote it in my first, last, and only trans relationship. Sadly, she is no longer with us, but she was a dear friend for a long time. I was trying a new style here, mixing prose with free verse poetry. Anyway, on with my second-ever piece of work. Enjoy **************************** &... Read full Story
First Time being fucked by two men!
I was at a Jewelery convention in Florida and my friend and I decided to go out and see what Orlando had to offer before our late company arrived ;). (Now we are two young women in our twenties and both athletic toned me hazel eyes and brown hair tan skin and her brown eyes with brown hair and fair ... Read full Story
First Time with Jessica
"Hello Darling, I'm Jessica." "Hi, Nice to meet you, I'm Rob." "Can I offer you a drink?" asked Jessica, noticing he was pretty nervous. "Sure, that would be great," he responded as he watched her cute ass sway into the kitchen. They made small talk f... Read full Story
First TS Ass
We had been chatting online for a couple of weeks when finally we were able to meet. I had her come over about 8:00. She pulled up in a beautiful BMW and I could see her sexy face through the windshield and I knew right then I had made the perfect choice. I had met 1 other TS before and recieved the... Read full Story
First time with a shemale
well this all happened about two years ago when i was 18 i always have had fantasies of having a cock in my mouth and ass but i wasnt attratced to men jusst the cock so i decided to find a shemale. i live in a small town and thats hard so i found one about an.hour away in the city. so i talked to he... Read full Story
First Time with TS Woman
I had been curious and excited about being with a ts girl for a long time. So when I was in a hotel in another city while traveling for work, I searched craigslist. I posted an ad and received a 6 or 7 responses. One girl made me very excited and seemed like a nice and real person. She was slim and ... Read full Story
My first time swallowing a tranny
I used to know a gorgus transsexual women she and I and my ex wife used to fool around and she never had a orgasm but we allays did. Well this one time we were fooling around my ex wife had to leave so we were just the two of us getting it on so I was sucking her lovely cock and she had told me a wi... Read full Story
My first time dressed
I've been working on feminizing myself for almost a's a difficult path to walk, since in normal life I'm very muscular and masculine, physically. That, plus I enjoy lifting weights, makes having a slim, female form a challenge. I've found some fitting dresses that a... Read full Story
My First Cock
Im just your ordinary guy, night and day watch on this site when im horny. Still havent understood my fascination for this site but im here everyday for the last 4 years. Within that time i have slowly had urges to buy stuff so i bought butt plugs vibrators just to get so i knew who it actually f... Read full Story
Sofias first time
I became Sofia a long time ago when I was sharing a flat with a friend of mine, we were both straight guys and we loved fucking girls when we could get them, then one day we found some sexy womens clothes in the flat and for some reason I felt like putting them on for a laugh and almost straight awa... Read full Story
First time cumming while fucked
When I was young, my girlfriend's older black brother blackmailed me after he caught us having sex. I was made to suck his cock on a regular basis, sometimes while my girlfriend watched. One day he pushed me off his cock, made me turn over with my ass in the air. He poured canola oil on my ass ... Read full Story
My first date with a "shemale"
I met a guy whom i worked with and found out he was bisexual,it didn't bother me nor did i care because i know who i was.I realized he was trying to date me without asking me if i was that way.I flat out turned him down and told him i didn't go that way! I was still young and new to this. I was coo... Read full Story
MY First Time with a non-binary/cross-dresser
After I had graduated high school but before I had left for college: I was hanging out with a friend and a friend of theirs at their friend’s house. For the story let’s call my friend Dan and his friend Charles. We were watching some movie on Charle’s (parent’s) big TV. Charles gets up eventually an... Read full Story
First time
I was living in Denver and I was out driving around on a Thursday night trying to cool off as my wife at the time started a argument and I had to just get out as I drove around I ended up at this club I didn't know it was a gay club as I was still new to Denver I went it got a drink seen this very v... Read full Story
Sucking Black Cock for the First Time
I've officially had sex with more trans women than cis women. It's an accomplishment I can be proud of. It was also the first black cock I had down my throat. She asked if I could host and I was nervous letting her into my apartment. Entering my apartment, we kissed, and she told me to take off ... Read full Story
Finally, My First Tranny!!!
I just came out of the doctor's office in downtown Philly from my 3 month check-up. I was pretty horney since my doctor is a female and I had a complete physical so she and her nurse were in the room with me. I got to the train station to go back to Willow Grove and was standing on the platform when... Read full Story
Sissy Mailee's first black cock
As long as I could remember I have always had a craving for black cocks. My first time was a few years ago after partying with a friend of a friend. I had called up one of my CD friends, Suzy, to attend a Halloween party at a local warehouse. We had agreed that we’re both going to the party... Read full Story
True story tv first dogging
I am a mature TV living in the north of the UK. I have been dressing since I was 7 and having nylon led sexual fun since my early teens. The result today I have a very large wardrobe of clothes and shoes, am 100% smooth apart from a landing strip and have manicured nails and shaped eyebrows and with... Read full Story
First time... Part 2
After lying on the bed for some time enjoying the wonderful ass I had just had she went to refill our drinks. The rum and coke had been flowing at this point and she felt that I was ready for her. As I was lying on the bed I noticed her get on her knees next to and to my surprise her hard cock was n... Read full Story
First time out, first time fucked
I was looking good even if I do say so myself. Six inch black platform heels, black hold ups, the obligatory little black dress, long red wig and my fave faux fur jacket. I felt sexy, I felt like a slut and I wanted the world to see me. I hadn’t been out before but I had been building mysel... Read full Story
First Time
I'll start with a description. I'm 46 years old 6' tall and fairly thin. Oh and I'm a cross-dresser that when dressed goes by Lisa. I have been for years. Don't know why other than it pleases me. I love the feel of stockings and garters and for a few years now have gotten to where I enjoy having a n... Read full Story
My first tranny
I had never been with a tranny before and did not plan on being with one at all but you never know what will happen. I had a bad day, I had been in meetings all day with new clients in another city. I decided to stop for a drink or two before going back to my hotel room. I found this bar that look i... Read full Story
My first time
My mother always said she wanted a daughter….my guy name was Adrian, so you could see where she was going with that. I was also a real sissy as a kid, terrible at sports, threw like a girl, did very few real boy things. My best friend and I discovered porn and masturbation together. My mom... Read full Story
First Time Outdoor Festival Fantasy
Fantasy Setting: Summer time in the mountains of Colorado the perfect bluebird weekend we all dream of. The day before an underground rave in the mountains all my friends bail on the show and was now left with either not going or going solo. Well I deiced what the hell and I'll go solo an... Read full Story
My First Time With Shemale In Pune
As I wrote in my other stories too that I am not new to shemales. But this is how my journey towards shemales started. I was all the time watching shemale porn on n was horny like hell. I always wanted to suck a shemale cock. I love shemale as they are best of both world. ... Read full Story
First Meeting with Couple
Hi everyone, I actually went through with it and got together with the couple from the fetish party to experience my first sex and scene in real life. It didn't go as i had dreamed of; but, thinking that it would go like that was pretty naive on my part. To start with, i Must tell how cute I l... Read full Story
First Real Cock I Got
I must have been around 15 and it was during a carnival festival. Most of the boys were dressed as cowboys, super heroes, firemen etc. For me it was the chance i was looking for to dress up on woman's clothes. I had picked up a mini dress, fishnet and a small top that was letting my belly free. I g... Read full Story
Susan's First Time
Stan/Susan wondered how he/she could have gotten herself into this particular fix. This week Stan was at Sue's posh apartment so was living as a woman. The large good-looking gentleman kneeling between her spread legs was very firm about what he wanted her to do. "After you suck my cock I'm ... Read full Story
My ideal first time
We talk online for long enough to build trust. He is aggressively letting me know how much he wants to fuck me. His size is bigger than 6. He is physically larger than me and slightly older. After cumming to and on my pics several times over the course of weeks or months, we finally decide to meet. ... Read full Story
Luci........... My first
I only went into the bar on that stormy winters night because I was drenched, and I had to get out of the rain. As I walked in a soft dark voice beside me said “Oh you're wet, you should get out of those clothes.” I turned and saw a lovely lady sitting at a corner table near the door. ... Read full Story
My anticipated first time
T This is a true story! After serving in the military and having relations with so many different ethnicities, and sizes of women from my worldwide travels, ifelt content with my sexual conquest as a man. When began to start my transition out of the military i had alot more time to myself than i had... Read full Story
Getting Ready for my First
Do you remember the first thing you ever put in your ass? The feeling of that pressure around and then inside your asshole? Just cleaned and maybe even shaved or trimmed a bit, ready to try it out? And the pleasure of it, oh the insane pleasure of it, once it got all the way inside you? And then l... Read full Story
First Encounter
I always has a fascination for transsexuals. I remember my freshman year of college, I don't remember how I stumbled upon it, but I was the most aroused I have ever been as I watched the beautiful Mia Isabella stroke her hard cock. Something about a feminine being, with large breast, voluptuo... Read full Story
First Time Sex With Tranny
Wow - if you have ever wondered what it would be like to be with a TS girl, this would be a great place to start. Just got this from a “friend” of mine who wanted to write about his first TSgirl experience. Can’t say for sure if it’s 100% true, but who cares? I do know that they were together so ... Read full Story
The first and most memorable of many
A few months ago I began to realizing that I was beginning to fantasize about having a woman with a cock. It took a few weeks of looking on the internet to find a passable Tgurl to be my first. I really had no Idea what to expect. But I know now that I could not have been luckier than I was that ... Read full Story
First Time Dressed… at an Electronica Concert
I had been dressing as a girl to get off for some time now. For some reason there is nothing that turns me on more than a tight little cotton thong stretched across the bud of my asshole, holding my tiny little boy toy down where it should be. Over the years I’ve slipped into my mom and sister... Read full Story
My first shemale
This is the story of my first she male. I had always been curious about dicks. I had always been attracted to women and I loved to watch a woman get pounded by a big cock. But after awhile I realized that when I tried to imagine the porno, I always imagined myself in place of the girl. One day, when... Read full Story