Newest Free Stories

He Was Way Too Much Into Shemale Stories
At first I didn’t find it to strange. As far as our sex life was OK, I was totally fine with the fact that my husband reads ten shemale stories a week. Until one night. I came back from a business trip a night to early. I managed to grab the late plane and arrived home sometimes after midni... Read full Story
Who Could Choose Between Shemales And Females?
I knew that this guy was one of those eccentric rich people who don’t really know what to do with themselves, and I was not really expecting an invitation to the party at his villa on the beach. But why not. I don’t refuse free drinks and other stuff that can make you happier about your ... Read full Story
My First Sissy Meet Up
I had posted an add on craigslist asking people to let me suck them off at my place. After sorting out all the answers that I got I found a guy, John, that was incredibly eager, we agreed a time and date. The day came and I woke up so nervously. But I was determined to not let it show so I got... Read full Story
The Hottest Of The Teen Transgender Stories
She was a cheerleader in college and I was…well. Me. I lived one of those transgender stories where I was still stuck in the middle of my transition and I wasn’t a girl anymore, but I wasn’t the guy she needed. She had every single guy in the campus she wanted and I had..well. ... Read full Story
Is it just me?
Well, I don't even know where to begin with this one? But, anyway? I went out with a friend of mine who had a couple of girlfriends that we were to meet at a club that I had never been before? And neither did my friend tell me that he had been there to the club before either. So, when we got into th... Read full Story
Nobody Forgets Their First Time With Shemale
Her name was Veronica. She was about 6" tall and her heels were so high it made me dizzy. Actually, together with the fishnet stockings she was wearing, it made me dizzy and horny. It was my first time with she-male and my first time with that kind of service. Veronica knew that was my first... Read full Story
Making of a Sissy pt2
After Tom had dressed me & now had the photo evidence I knew I was at his mercy. I also knew that the blowjob I had given him wouldn't be all he was looking to get from me to keep my secret. He was soon messaging me, telling me when to be at his, along with a picture of me dressed, with ... Read full Story
She Male Photo Gallery Brought My High School Fantasy To Life
A friend of mine from high school came to visit me after many years when I moved into my new apartment in Los Angeles. We were good friends back then and kept in touch, but we went apart due to our careers. He was even one off the first and few people I came out to in high school, so our relationshi... Read full Story
My Erotic She Male Pics Photo Shoot
You know that time when you feel so horny and you want to nail every guy that passes right next to you? Well, I was dealing with that! My body was just burning for some hot, sexy guy that will grab me like no one did before, place me against the wall and fuck so hard that I start screaming out of jo... Read full Story
I Added A New Story To My Porn She Male Stories
I was having a coffee with one of my friends and I was telling her about my porn she male stories from my past. In the middle of my talking she stopped me and asked why am I always talking about ancient history. She told me that I was repeating myself and that I need to freshen up things. I realized... Read full Story