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Hard Decisions by Elaine © 2020

She offered some sympathy but then she added, “well every other woman has to grin and bear it wearing heels. Now you'll just have to learn to do it too.”

I sipped my wine and then smiled at her comment. She was right of course.

“Something eerie happened last night,” I said.

“What was that?” she asked turning to face me.

“Well at the last place we were in, I confronted my past when I bumped into a guy who made my school days miserable. He was a big bully then and he’s all wind and hot air now,” I replied. “This guy thought I fancied him because I stared at him a little. In the old days he would have thumped me and left me crying.”

“So how did you deal with him?”

“Easy I just led him on, we got a few drinks out of him and then rejected him, when we left afterwards he was outside calling us lesbians and a few other choice words,” I said, “I think that seemed appropriate after all the grief he caused me.”

“It does seem appropriate,” she said and then changed the subject, “Joan was saying that you met your old boyfriend yesterday too at lunch time.”

“Yes, we bumped into each other in Hendersons,” I replied.

“Joan said he was pretty nasty to you when you talked to him,” she continued, and I surmised they must have talked on the phone since last night.

“Yes, we were just about to leave when he came in with a little dyed blonde from his office,” I continued. “Then he came over and started giving me and Joan some verbal abuse.”

“I was going to ask if you'll ever get back together again but I can see that seems a bit forlorn after that episode.”

“Yes, although I still have a soft spot in my heart for him, I don’t think we'll get back together again,” I replied honestly. Then I paused and then after a few minutes I continued with, “probably not because he took it badly when I told him about my transsexuality.”

She was still stroking her newly painted nails down the inside of my leg.

“I find you incredibly sexy now. What you did makes me feel wet at the office whenever I see you,” she confessed suddenly. I looked her with some astonishment and she smiled back at me adding, “since we met for lunch a few weeks ago, I haven't thought of much else.”

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